RFT Membership - Are you a member?
Interested in becoming a member of AFT?
Becoming an official member of RFT comes with all kinds of great benefits! Not only does it give you representation and a voice on campus when it comes to your rights, but there are also lots of benefits that our state-level union (American Federation of Teachers) gives us as a member! Things like better interest rates on credit cards, travel discounts, and even insurance discounts! Want a say in what is in the contract? Want to be able to vote on the union contract? Become a member!
If you are interested please print and complete the form below and place it in mailbox #78 - Elisa Westcrook, in the staff lounge. She will email it to payroll to get you officially signed up for the union!
Want to talk to a union representative to get more details if you are not sure?
Elisa Westcrook
VP of Membership