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RFT Executive Board Meeting - 01/09/06

RFT President Rosemary Thurston called the meeting to order on 01/09/06 at 4:15 PM in the RTC Library's Boeing Classroom (C-204).  

Minutes from the 06/15/05, 11/07/05 and 12/05/05 Executive Board meetings were approved.

Glenda Hanson gave a treasurer's report.

Gary Neill reported that the legislature started on 01/09/06 and that it would be a 60-day supplemental session.  The governor's request for a supplemental budget includes a 2.7% COLA.  The SBCTC has requested funding for salary increments and benefits for part-timers.

A task force of Brian Thompson, Michele Lesmeister and Nancy Adkins was established to draft procedures for absentee balloting.

Due to lack of adequate prior notice, the need to vote on both constitutional and bylaw changes, and cleaning up grammatical wording, a clarification vote on changing the definition of part-time membership will be conducted with the general membership. 

Approval was given to send Tami Rable and Glenda Hanson to the 33rd Annual National Conference of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education in New York City on April 2-4, 2006.

A question was raised about personal convenience leave for part-time faculty and why part-time faculty were not getting a prorated amount.  RFT Executive Board members who participated in contract negotiations will investigate and report back.

The Executive Board moved into an Executive Session regarding a personnel issue at 5:20 PM.

The Board came out of Executive Session and adjourned the meeting at 6:15 PM.

The Executive Board's next meeting will be Monday, 02/06/06 immediately following the RTC Employee Team Meeting (approximately 4:00 PM) in the RTC Library.  All RFT members are welcome to attend.

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