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RFT General Membership Meeting - 03/31/06

RFT President Rosemary Thurston called the breakfast meeting to order on 03/31/06 at 7:25 AM in the RTC cafeteria.

There were 48 members who signed the attendance sign-in sheet.

A motion was passed to approve the minutes from previous general membership meeting which was held on December 16, 2005.

On behalf of the union, Rosemary offered congratulations to the six newly tenured faculty members.

 There were two motions passed to change the RFT constitution and by-law's regarding active membership.  This was to replace the language that was approved at the December 16, 2005 meeting.

Rosemary reported that the union was working on a dismissal process, a change in union dues structure and a union membership form.  She also encouraged members to use the established student grievance process.

Vice-President Tami Rable and Daryl Hickman reported on the status of the online attendance project who should be available for all faculty members starting Fall Quarter 2006. 

VP for Finance, Glenda Hanson, gave a financial report.

VP for Political, Gary Neill, reported that the legislature approved a 2.8% COLA, effective July 1, 2006.

VP for Rights and Responsibilities, Michele Lesmeister, and Past President, Brian Thompson, reported that they are working on the procedures for absentee balloting.

VP for Part-Time, Parvis Moheb reported that they were still working on the proposed changes to the union dues structure and thanked member Connie Tran for all her work on this project.

Nominations for union officers can be sent to her or to Vice-President of Communications, Debbie Crumb.  Some offices will be for a one-year term and others will be for a two-year term.

There are two conferences coming up: AFT Washington will be meeting in Seattle on May 5-6, 2006 and AFT national is hosting the 2006 Western Union Leadership Institute in Pacific Grove, CA on June 25-30, 2006.  If anyone is interested in attending either of the conferences, they should contact Rosemary.

A motion was passed to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 AM..

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